Thursday, December 27, 2012


This Lake Ashton Community is a public Community and it is not a safe community to live in.  The club house restaurant "The View" is advertising in the Ledger for customers, The shows we have here are being advertised in the Ledger.  Bingo is a public event.  Anyone with a car can come in and rob you and drive back out.  THIS COMMUNITY IS NOT A PUBLIC COMMUNITY. We were all told this is a private community WHEN WE BOUGHT OUR HOME.  YOU WAS TAKEN.    BULL SHIT.   Cars and homes were broken in.  Clubhouse items were stolen.  No, this is not a private or safe community to live in, and they won't tell you because they don't give a shit.  We have idiots running this community.  Thank God Margo Stevens is gone, but there are a few more that should join her.