Connecticut's Rules for Purchasing This Gun
Police say that Adam Lanza used an AR-15 style rifle like
this one on Friday to kill 20 young children and six adults in Newtown,
Conn. Here are the steps to purchase a similar weapon:

First, is it an assault weapon?
Connecticut bans assault weapons. A semiautomatic rifle is considered
an assault weapon in Connecticut if the ammunition magazine can be
detached and it has at least two military-style features, including a
folding or telescopic stock, a pistol grip, a bayonet mount, a flash
suppressor or a grenade launcher.
Are you 18 or older?
You can purchase the gun from a licensed dealer. A person or business “dealing in firearms as a regular course of trade or business” is required to be licensed.NO
You cannot purchase the gun from a licensed dealer, but there are no federal or state laws preventing you from buying it from a private seller, defined as someone who “makes occasional sales, exchanges, or purchases of firearms” related to a personal collection or a hobby.
Are you willing to submit to a background check and
wait two weeks before obtaining the gun?
You can purchase the gun through a licensed dealer after a background check and a two-week waiting period. If you already have a permit for a handgun or for hunting, you don’t have to wait two weeks. If your background check shows that you have committed a felony or have been committed to a mental institution, among other things, you will be denied the purchase.NO
You can purchase the gun through a private seller, who is not required to run a background check unless they sell it to you at a gun show. If the seller knows that you are ineligible to possess the gun (because you have committed a felony or have been committed to a mental institution, for example), they will be liable for any injury or death resulting from the sale.Are you willing to give the state a record of the sale?
If you purchase the gun from a licensed dealer, they will send one copy of the receipt to the state Department of Emergency Services & Public Protection and one to local law enforcement.NO
You can purchase the gun from a private seller, who is not required to retain records like licensed dealers are. You can make this purchase at a gun show or at any other location.Do you want to purchase the gun online?
You can buy online from a licensed dealer, who will ship the gun to a dealer in your area, where the paperwork and background check will be processed. If you buy online from a private seller in another state, they will have to send the gun to your local dealer for you to follow the same process.If you buy online from a private seller within Connecticut, you can purchase the gun without a background check, and the seller will not have to retain records. Online marketplaces like Armslist connect buyers and sellers.
You can purchase this gun from both private sellers and licensed dealers.How many rounds of ammunition would you like to buy?
Connecticut does not restrict ammunition sales or possession. Federal law
prohibits licensed dealers (but not private sellers) from selling ammunition to any person under 18.
This rifle can be outfitted with magazines that can hold up to 100 rounds.
prohibits licensed dealers (but not private sellers) from selling ammunition to any person under 18.
This rifle can be outfitted with magazines that can hold up to 100 rounds.