Thursday, September 22, 2011

“Lazy,” “Disconnected,” “Foreign,” are but a few adjectives used to describe the current White House resident many insiders call “The Vacation President.” Obama is what business executives would call a “bad hire.” Voters went for style instead of substance and lost; really big, and Obama doesn't even pretend to feign interest when a financial or global crisis might interfere with his next extravagant vacation or golf outing.
Can we measure his failure over two years? Gas has jumped from $1.83 to $3.44, an 84% increase. Obama's solution is to refuse to drill for more oil. Long term unemployment jumped from 2,600,000 to 6,400,000 a 146.2% LEAP! Obama's solution is to drive more businesses off shore with higher taxes. People receiving food stamps: 31,983,716 to 43,200,878, a 35% increase! The son of devout communist Stanley Ann Dunham is an incompetent bust, but let us digress:
Your grandmother told you “you are the company you keep,” a truism lost on starry eyed voters more eager to assuage the guilt of never having had a black president than daring to peek at his friends and background. To do so would have been; “racist.” Memory, to some voters is like a stack of china – if you pull the plate from the middle the whole stack comes crashing down.
In this case the middle plate was Obama's past (what little we knew before everything was erased). He isn't responsible for his family, or the family of his wife, but he IS responsible for the friends and acquaintances he chose from communists, radical Muslims, anti-Americans, and the white hating minister he discipled under for 20 years, all helped to form the character and ideals of a man totally disenfranchised from this nation and our heritage. He was attending school in the Muslim nation of Indonesia at a time when the rest of us learned the words to the Pledge of Allegiance and The Star Spangled Banner. It is possible an American president doesn't know the words to these?
During a period of two years as our “President,” the pathology of Mr. Obama's zeitgeist has shown itself more clearly in the outward manifestation of his actions with Islam and Islamic nations. This President has been recorded 22 times saying the words “The Holy Qur'an tells us.” He has never been recorded saying “The Holy Bible tells us.”
That aside, he has squandered billions of dollars of our money during these hard economic times by giving our money to terrorist HAMAS, Egypt, Pakistan and other Muslim Brotherhood movements behind their desperate backdrop to islamisize these nations further. Clearly the cornerstone of the Barack Hussein Obama Administration is one to advance Islam, and destroy the United States of America. His pro-Islamic Administration has turned America away from Israel for the first time since they became a nation in 1948. To attempt to rationalize any other conclusion based upon his performance, words and actions is dreaming. Obama has not kept one campaign promise, and we are still foundering under a layer of corruption this product of Chicago style thug politicians engineered with ACORN and other nefarious and illegal groups. The Ku Klux Klan, once the terrorist arm of the Democrat Party, has been replaced with The Black Panthers and labor union thugs. Our national debt under Barack Hussein Obama has risen three and a half TRILLION dollars in two years.
America is awash in debt, and the Prince and Princess Obama frolic in lavish Wednesday night White House parties complete with celebrities, Kobe beef and a river of champagne while the rest of us “must sacrifice.”
As Obama promotes his Islamic agenda, African Americans in this nation have gone backwards under the soft bigotry of low expectations and social promotions continue to consign black America to economic bondage created by his culture of “socialism.” Black unemployment in the past 2 years has leaped from 12.6% to 15.8% a 25.4% increase. Shame on Democrats. Shame on a charlatan President who sold this nation white smiling teeth and empty promises shrouded in a hatred for America, white people and a greater hatred for the history and success of our country.
Rich Carroll is an American Conservative writer, Viet Nam veteran and author of 'Terrorist's Crossing' and 'Orphan Heroes'; a gritty, no-holds-barred story of the real Viet nam.