I am not quite sure where you get your information from, but claiming that creating an oversight agency for homeowners associations would create more unwanted regulation and would hamper the creation of new jobs is about as far from the truth as the claim that Florida's economy is steadily recovering. No matter what certain folks are telling you, there is lots of abuse going on in Florida's community associations -- and the word is out. All over the nation newspapers report about the many problems in Florida's communities -- and the professionals claiming that all these "conspiracy" theories are urban legends are plainly disingenuous. Best example: The Nevada construction defect lawsuit scam: http://www.ccfj.net/HOANVfraudcasesmerged.htm
More than 100 guilty pleas are expected during the next few weeks, before the main conspirators go to trial.

Nichols, the conspirator who pleaded guilty, admitted that he was given cash payments for his assistance in purchasing the properties, obtaining HOA membership status, rigging elections and using his position to manipulate the HOAs' business to enrich the co-conspirators at the expense of the HOA and legitimate homeowners. Take a look who the main conspirators are: Well-known and "highly respected" professionals and attorneys.
Do you honestly believe that this well-functioning scam was only used in Nevada?
The professionals, who consider these community associations as their private cash cows, try to cover up the obvious: The serious problems in our communities are increasing by the day. And they clearly abuse the owners trying to protect their investment.
Look at what is being done to homeowners trying to inspect financial records -- just trying to see where their money is going. They are being charged outrageous fees -- not allowed by the statutes -- and are placed in parking lots in Florida's heat.
Look at this example and the pictures. Demand is made for $245 for record inspection in the sun:

Or how about this picture?

Comment of the homeowner: "When I arrived at the garage of HOA President (Scott Ubillos), for the inspection appointment, there was only a lidded plastic tub with folders in it on the floor. The Boards' intention must have been for me to sit on the floor. The "good" news it was only about 90 degrees and the mosquitoes almost ate me alive. I brought my own beverage, table, chair, and office equipment to accomplish the review."
Homeowners are abused like this because "The Powers To Be" know full well that these owners can't afford to file a lawsuit -- and that they can treat them like dirt -- and violate Florida laws -- without having to fear any repercussions.
An oversight agency is not a regulatory agency in the meaning of the word, it's an agency supposed to protect about 2.5 million homeowners and their families against outright abuse. And as long as our Florida legislators are willing to wear blinders, retirees and snow birds -- and investors -- are afraid to come to Florida.
Would you want to move -- risking your life savings -- into a state where the legislature allows homeowners to be abused by so-called professionals and/or scam artists? You seriously might want to rethink your position on an oversight agency for HOAs. Resort gambling will for sure create a good source of revenue for the State of Florida, but it will not revive the real estate market. In order to achieve that you need again retirees, snowbirds and investors to bring their money to Florida!
Jan Bergemann, President
Cyber Citizens For Justice, Inc.
Cyber Citizens For Justice, Inc.