Monday, July 4, 2011

Bingo Paul Pontious

Paul would run to Joe Hunter and tell him what you were doing. Than you would get a letter from  "do nothing"  Joe Hunter. Yes, this Paul Pontious is worse than the guy that double cross Christ. On top of that he steals money from all the winners of Bingo and never kept records of anything.  This guy even fills up his car with your money.  What a hell of a guy.  How can this guy HAVE ANY FRIENDS??????   Joe Hunter is gone and Paul Pontious should follow.  Pack up you junk and get out of here Paul, we don't wants crooks living among us.  You are giving Lake Ashton a very bad name.  Your also the reason why the house values have gone down.  Go lost Paul, we have no records of you living here.  NONE

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