Driveway closed by concrete blocks --
a new way to collect unpaid association dues?
June 20, 2011
Dear Florida Governor, Dear Lt. Governor, Dear Florida Legislators:
How would you like to get a call from your wife (husband), telling you that she/he can't go to work because the association blocked the driveway with cement blocks, because you failed to pay apart of a special assessment (not the regular dues)?
And when you come home, this is what you are seeing?

No joke, this actually happened to an owner of a home located in a HOA in Georgia. You can read the full story here, together with a radio interview.
You say: Oh, that's in Georgia -- who cares? We could face the same story here in Florida. The management company that gave the owner the run-around was none other than ASSOCIA, the nationwide management company of Texas Senator John Carona. Remember my article: "TEXAS SENATOR JOHN CARONA'S ASSOCIA INVADES FLORIDA?"
And community association bill H 1195 Governor Rick Scott is supposed to sign in the next few days, will do NOTHING to help owners deal with this ever-growing problem.
In case you have somebody trying to sell you this bill as great progress that will help associations/owners deal with the financial crisis in their associations, please ask these folks one question: Exactly what provision in the bill will really help to bring MONEY in the association's coffers, without risking high legal fees that can never be recovered? These fees will only add to the financial budget shortcomings the owners, who are still paying dues, have to come up with.
Jan Bergemann, President
Cyber Citizens For Justice, Inc.
Cyber Citizens For Justice, Inc.
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