Thursday, February 3, 2011

Jake Eaton

I just don't believe this guy. As you well know, the city of Lake Wales gave us back our Clubhouse taxes that we paid in the last three years, prior to that the Developer owned it. Jake Eaton wants to use this money to repair the bowling alley. Here is the catch. If you had just moved in to this community, you have not paid anything on anything. If you moved in three years ago than you paid taxes for three years.

Lets look at the taxes. A total of $173,854 was paid. Divide that by the number of homes 850 and that leaves $200 for every paid resident.

Its our money and we want it now!

Why should the CDD take this money and make repairs with the home owners money that we paid for five years. The person that just moved has paid nothing. There seems to be something wrong with this picture.

I feel all the money should go back to those who paid the taxes. If you were here forthree years than you would get your share back. The same for the other person, if they were here just a year than they would get back just one year.

Jake wants to keep this money because he says the CDD paid the taxes. Where in hell did that money come from? Jake wake up, do we have another Bingo Paul? We have enough dummys here, Lets not add any more.