Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Bingo Paul Pontious and his wife Carol

How can this guy walk around knowing he stole Bingo Money from all the Bingo players and spend it on himself and his wife Carol. Not only did he steal money from Bingo but he never paid a red cent to a recognize charity. He bought a ton of food and filled his ice box and his friends. He even fill up his car with gas. He hired a bus and took his friends to dinner. What are they handy cap ? And would you believe he is still running Bingo and his wife is the bookkeeper. What is this world coming to? He has destroyed this honest community and has giving it a very bad name. Sell your house Paul and get out. I just don't believe that you are sending letters to other people mates telling them that the guy she is living with is no good. Hay, anything is better than you, Paul. Boy are you a sicko. Go see a doctor Paul, you need one pretty bad. Carol runs the Pot luck Supper, and have you notice that the fee is $2.00, up from a dollar and on top of that you must sign up. What a bunch of crooks. Carol on the CDD and Paul is on the HOA. He seems they are running the Lake Ashton community.