Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Social Security

The deficit commission, the group charged with balancing the nation's budget, met yesterday, and the latest news reports that Social Security is still a prime target for cuts.

I can't thank you enough for joining the more than 250,000 other activists who signed our petition – but it's critical that we collect even more signatures urging the president and Congress not to cut Social Security to fix the deficit.

Will you help by forwarding the message below to your friends and family?

It's up to us to keep the pressure on Congress so our retirement money isn't used to pay for their out-of-control spending. Please forward the message below to your friends and family today.

Thanks again for your support on this critical issue!

Did you know that some in Washington are considering unfairly targeting Social Security benefits for cuts?

Social security didn't cause the budget deficit, so our retirement shouldn't be put at risk to fix it!

I just signed AARP's petition to protect Social Security and keep it strong for generations to come. Please click below to join me – it will only take a minute.


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