Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Paul Pontious is a lair.

How on earth could Paul Pontious get elected to the HOA when in fact he was breaking the Florida law on lotteries by having a 50/50 at Bingo. Not only that, he was spending the money on repairs on Lake Ashton and the Florida law says money must go to charities. He admitted he was spending the money for Lake Ashton by the article he wrote in the LA Times. Again he broke the law. When he was president of the HOA he sign a new covenants that says no smoking outside the main Ballroom door. On any Bingo night you can't see five feet ahead of you when you walk out the front door. I complain to Joe Hunter and of course he won't do nothing about the no smoking covenants because he is a good friend of Paul and he told me to get hold of George Flint. I E-mail George twice and received no reply. Just goes to prove they worship this lair and crook. Paul also complain to Joe Hunter that I was taken water from the small pond next to my house and would you believe I receive a letter from Joe to stop it. Also Paul told Joe I was putting the lakeashtontalk business card on Golf Carts and again I got a letter from Joe Hunter. But the story doesn't end there, I was in Boston on the day they said I did it. I still have my flight ticket to prove I was not at Lake Ashton. Big Joe Hunter ban me from using the club house for ten days. Poor Joe, I was in Boston for a month. I guess you got your wish. What a bunch of loses. How can anyone believe what this idiot says. What a bunch of idiots and liars. As for Bingo Paul, nothing was done to correct his mistake. I guess Bingo Paul walks on water.

Paul stole the Bingo game from Jessie Ayres saying someone from the HOA must be on the Bingo committee. What a liars.

Paul told his wife this job being on the HOA committee was just too much and I'm not going to run any more. Guess what, he did run. What a lair.

Paul you are a very hard guy to get along with, this is your second marriage and your step children don't care too much for you either. There are a lot of people here that don't care too much for you also. There are just too many names to list. By the way why did you accused Jessie of stealing money from Bingo when in fact you told all of us in the pool room one night that you had $30,00 of Bingo money in your pocket. Who is stealing what from whom?????

I an requesting that an investigation of Bingo Paul Pontious be made and also he must resign from the CDD committee before he gets everyone in trouble with his big mouth.

An audit was file with the state of Florida that no record of any kind was given to the new board members about money on hand. What is going on here?????

Pontious is now picking on my personal life, now he leaves me no choice but to pick on his personal life. What is wrong with you Paul, Are you still going around calling everyone a idiot and E-Mailing people about their personal life.

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