Saturday, January 23, 2010

Anonymous has spoken. Who is anonymous, he should be cremated

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "All Media is controlled by the Developer":

let me get this straight, the developer and anyone that works for the developer is evil. Anyone that gets along with the employees the community manager, etc. are evil. The three board of supervisors on the CDD are evil. Anyone that volunteers in the community to benefit the community such as Bingo Paul is evil. Anyone that has a policy difference with the Salvins are evil. Anyone that likes our restaurant is evil. Anyone that wants the bowling alley fixed is evil. So far all these people represent 95% of the community.However, according to you the Salvins and their AdHOc committee are our salvation. This is based on what, Jeff's great track record as chairperson. What has he accomplished? Does Barb Salvin's antics bring this community together? We had the developer fixing the roads until he was threatened with a law suit. We then spent thousands of dollars for road studies, legal advise, engineering reports, etc. Good move Jeff and Barb.

This guy does not get his facts straight. He is looking at dirty pictures and masturbating. He is trying to get me to look at his dirty web site. This guy is a sicko. I ask this idoit to reveal his name, but he hides behind the Developer and Joe Hunter.

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