Thursday, October 1, 2009

Joe Hunter the overpaid "do nothing" politician

Doesn't it get you upset knowing that the politician's are getting Social Security equal to their pay and they can still work and double dip. Its like Joe Hunter receiving a triple figure salary paid for by the residents of Lake Ashton and he does nothing. Yet some of the residents think this is OK. Where are they coming from? Joe Hunter is like a politician, all talk and he does nothing. If you call him for a problem he will ask you to go see the HOA or the CDD. He does nothing but accuse you of things you did not do. My question is why is he loved by so many people and he does nothing to help anyone. Call him with a problem and see how far you will get. I wish he would hang a sign on his office saying go see the CDD or the HOA if you have a problem.

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