Wednesday, July 22, 2009

anonymous has left a new comment on your post "CEO can't take a trip but the President's wife and ...":

This is the kind of article that should be sent to EVERY LOCAL and NATIONAL Newspaper. We had better wake up soon or this great country we know as United States will become socialistic.

Obama is an ego maniac, who made so many campaign promises that have been broken. I would hope we look closely at the fact he and his administration will Bankrupt our country for our children and grandchildren.

Resident of Lovely Lake Ashton

I wish to add that this country is now 23 trillion dollars in debt.

The Health plan will cost 1 trillion dollars to tax payers.

Yes, it is true that this county will be so much in debt that it would be impossible to pay off this debit.

We are fighting two wars at a large cost to us. and nothing in return.

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