Sunday, February 22, 2009

MONEY, MONEY, MONEY Shame on you Lake Ashton

Lake Ashton should be renamed: Give me money Lake Ashton Community. Nothing is free for the residents of Lake Ashton, Nothing. Shame on you Lake Ashton!

The boat dock should be free so you can enjoy Lake Ashton, but you have to pay $50.00/mo and another $50.00 plus tax to park your boat trailer. Now its $100 a month plus tax to have a boat here at Lake Ashton. At one time you could not have a truck to tow your boat to the boat dock. The CDD and the HOA board members here don't have too much brains. They don't see the light. It was $75.00/mo but no one was parking their boat there, so they lower it to $50.00/mo. Money, Money, Money

You now have to pay $750.00 to rent the ballroom but if your a resident it is only $325.00. What a deal! Money, Money, Money

If you want a covered storage spot it will cost you $100/mo plus tax. They have 60 covered spaces. Add it up, total income $6,000 a month plus across the covered area is another 60 spots at $50.00 each, total $3,000 for a grand total of $9,000. Not bad for storage with all that dust flying around.

And the residents of Lake Ashton just don't care, and they are afraid to say anything to "Do Nothing" Joe Hunter. Retaliation will follow if you do.

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