Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Call The Cops

That's what Margo Stevens said when she came over my house knocking on my door, thinking that they were going to dig up the street in front of my house to check on the road surface. "CALL THE COPS" she said. Where is she going to be watching cartoons on TV while I call the cops. Now I was told that the person that wanted me to call the cops call the cops on me. This is a no brainier. And looking at the poll, 5 said yes and 3 said no. I guess we have a bunch on no brainiers here at Lake Ashton. Let us all call the cops on everybody, what else is there to do. What was Margo Stevens thinking when she ask me to call the cops. Were they really going to dig up the street to check on the road surface? She is good at calling cops, so why does she need me to call the cops. Now she thinks she knows all the answers to all the questions about our community and is starting her own talk show called "community forum" once a month. She must be reading my Blog. Don't waste your time going to her talk show. Jerry Springer won't be too happy with this competition plus you get a better education with Jerry. Please keep in mind that she wants to pass a covenant to ban cars or trucks in all driveways overnight. This means that when you have a guest they must get permission to park your auto in the Club's parking lot plus somehow find a way back home again or walk home. Living here is beginning to be a nightmare. Also her husband Keith Stevens started the ban on pick-up trucks. He is hired by the developer to take pictures and is given a yearly membership to the golf course. He also wants lawn edging to be a fixed height or you are in violation of the covenants. No one that is connected to the developer should be a CDD or HOA board member. They are in the interest of the developer. With this in mind, the people of Lake Ashton sure knows how to pick board members. It sounds like they are not too educated. Please be aware that Jake Eaton should be either on the CDD or the HOA board, not both.

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