Friday, December 12, 2008


The developer rented the restaurant for just $50,000 a year from the CDD.. We pay the taxes $69,000 on the clubhouse, pay the water and sewer, Electric which runs about $280,000 a year, kitchen cleaning, dishes, silverware, linen cloths, candles, glasses, upkeep in the restaurant, maintenance, window cleaning, repairs and get this. In case of fire which could happen, we pay the insurance. Not a bad deal. This guy owns 23 CRF communities and he doesn't make enough money. You people that are reading this blog, every time you go to the grill expect us to pay 5-10 cents more in maintenance fees. Yes, we pay all the bills and this guy gets all the money $1,000,000 to $1,500,000 profit from the grill. This guy is not dumb, we are.

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